From blossom to bar

Working Farm in Progress! “ It was so intimate just having our small group with our own private guide. Privates are the only way to go!”

Being a working and privately owned farm, reservations are required for your private tour to ensure the best time ever!

Learn MoreBook Chocolate Tour

Chocolate & Coffee Tour
An Adventure

Working Farm in Progress! “ It was so intimate just having our small group with our own private guide. Privates are the only way to go!”

Being a working and privately owned farm, reservations are required for your private tour to ensure the best time ever!

Learn MoreBook Chocolate & Coffee Tour



Your farm adventure begins far before you reach the extraordinary Kupa’a Farm. Whether you are traveling from the West side (Kapalua, Kaanapali, or Lahaina); South side (Makena, Wailea or Kihei); Haiku, Paia, Makawao or Kula, make sure to look all around you and take in all the many agricultural splendors, flora and fauna, animals grazing on the hillsides and all kinds of birds from the nene (Hawaii’s state bird) to pueo (Hawaiian owl) in the air. Don’t forget to count the rogue chickens everywhere! You also may will see a mongoose or two.

Once you’re climbing in elevation on the Kula Highway, you’ll see the many changes on the hillsides especially when spring comes about and the Jacaranda trees are in full exploding, vibrant, purple bloom. There is no other scenery more beautiful than this on the whole planet. Artists from all over the world come to capture this particular splendor of mother nature. On a clear day you’ll see the observatory glistening at the top of Haleakala. You also see the spectacular bi-coastal view….Kihei to Kahului/Wailuku and more at a glance!

You will see goats, cows, horses, and sheep on your Kula Highway journey to mile marker 13. Now you are at 1,900 feet in elevation. Your right turn on Naalae Road takes you down a “no outlet” road, and with every turn you pass family farm after family farm until you find your last right to the really big adventure…Kupa’a Farm.


You cruise up a dirt driveway, taking another right where you are greeted by a giant inukshuk (iˈno͝okˌSHo͝ok)…you have to come on the farm tour to find out what that is!
Park in the shade of the kiawe trees intertwined with lilikoi vines, and soak in the awe of awesomeness. Meandering dragon fruit succulents, pomegranate bushes, clumping bamboo around the gazebo where you meet your farm guide Ann.

Ann will enthusiastically share her vast amount of knowledge of the farm as well as all of her aloha. What a treat you are in for!

The heart of the farm lies down below where it is well protected from storms by the canopy of the koa and kukui nut trees.

Kupa'a Organic Farm


There are a plethora of veggies you will see, and, of course they aren’t available year round…still trying to figure out nature on demand! Some of the delectable vegetables and fruits will include:

Artichokes to zucchini

  • Taro (kalo)
  • Daikon
  • Watermelon radishes
  • Radishes
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Leeks
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Sweet Maui Onions
  • Elephant garlic
  • Okra (did you know that okra is cousin to Hawaii’s state flower, the hibiscus)
  • Fennel
  • Dill
  • Zucchini
  • Varieties of: Lettuce, Chard and Kale
  • Hawaiian chili peppers
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Allspice
  • Artichokes

Tropical and citrus fruits:

  • Apple Bananas
  • Avocados
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Sugar cane
  • Oranges
  • Tangerines
  • Grapefruit
  • Loquats
  • Vanilla

Star attractions: Coffee and Cacao!

The list goes on and on, as at Kupa’a farm they are always experimenting with what may grow at 1,900 feet

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